Pseudo think

Saturday, May 27, 2006

'Foolish, not Social'

Returning home do you feel you talked too much?
Cleverness, do you feel very tired?
Do you feel like sitting quiet in the blue cottage
Burning incense, after a bath, on return?
Do you feel like wearing a human body at last
After taking off the demon's dress?
Liquid time carries moisture into the room.
Do you feel like an ananta-shayana on her floating raft?
If you feel like that, come back. Cleverness, go away.
Does it really matter?
Let them say foolish, let them say unsocial.
-- Sankha Ghosh


Sunday, May 14, 2006

The last post

It is good to have rituals for the death of an emotion or relationship...
This one is for mine
My last post on this topic ... it deserves one last thought

Thank you first for all the sweet memories
for that day when I stood looking at you and you turned back
and smiled
for in that moment
everything faded away
nothing seemed to matter
and i realised
how beautiful a feeling it is
to love someone
so much
that you dont care
and every little thing which seemed so big
fades away

I now know
that I will not love you forever
though as far as I will
It will be true
I bury my love
and will continue to visit its grave
until one sunday
it rains
and I am afraid to soil my shoes
and I stay home and read
because time can make everything trivial
even life
even love
even you

Thursday, May 04, 2006

jenny hunt

This event occurs once every 12 years.
It involves groups of about 20-30 tribal women brandishing swords and other deadly weapons, shouting out war cries ...hunting for chickens and goats.
In a City !!! like Ranchi.
Apparently nobody can stop them not even the cops and they do look pretty slick wearing shades and jeans and shirts.
Believe me, the scene is even funnier than it sounds.
And the name is really jenny hunt.(or atleast thats what the locals told me)
talk about womens empowerment, i have seen far more inspiring example in the villages than our dear jingoistic placard toting junta ...esp at the insti.
